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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.
Gail Mattson, Chair NLDC ESH Working Group
Session Focus: Sharing response to Report, focusing on impacts and best practices
Report Summary (10 minutes)
• Mary Logue
Lab Response (10-15 min/presentation)
• Sean Whalen, Ames
• Cameron Andersen, PNNL
• Jim Floyd, LBL
Session Chair: Mary Logue
Session Period: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Session Focus: Pressure Safety & implementation of 10 CFR 851 with a focus on R&D (not building systems) – best practices/novel approaches to implementation, including training, operator /owner inspections, and LOTO.
Brief Updates – Recent Activity/Status (10 minutes each)
• JLab – Mary Logue
• ORNL – John Powell
• ANL – Betsy Dunn
• LLNL – Frances Alston (SME to call in)
• PNNL – Cam Andersen
Discussion - Challenges and Best Practices and Path Forward (45 minutes)
• Qualification of designers, owners, operators – Any novel or particularly effective approaches?
• In service inspections – how best to accomplish this, when independent, external resources don’t encounter some of our unique parameters of our systems
• How are pressure vessels brought in by Users incorporated into your programs?
Wilson Hall Cafeteria
Session Focus: Programs Issues/Challenges and Sharing of Best Practices.
Program Issues/Challenges (15 min/topic to include any Q&A)
- Results of PNNL’s LOTO Program Common Cause Review – Eric Damberg, PNNL WSH Manager
- Legacy Conditions – John Powell, ORNL ESH Director
- Results of BNLs Elec Safety/LOTO External Review – Gail Mattson BNL ESH Director
- FERMI 2015 LOTO Motorized Disconnect Incident - John Anderson
Best/Novel Practices (15 min/topic to include any Q&A)
- PNNL’s “Hazardous Energy Control Determination Process” – Jason Sweesy, PNNL LOTO SME
- Proximity Meters – John Powell ORNL ESH Director
- Do they compromise safety?
- Site policies for use?
- New Technologies (e.g.: Bluetooth)
Roundtable Discussion Topic (15 Min)
- How can we lead and demonstrate for DOE Best in Class LOTO Program Performance?
Session Focus: Machine guarding program challenges, lessons learned, and sharing of best practices
Program Updates and Lessons Learned
ANL – Betsy Dunn (30 minutes)
BNL – Gail Mattson (10 minutes)
FNAL – Mike Bonkalski (10 minutes)
Discussion – Challenges, lessons learned, and best practices
Qualification of workers
Training of workers (machine operators, machine custodians/supervisors)
Hazard identification and control
Anti-restart and Emergency stops – when to use them
Granite City Brewery
Session Focus: WPC efforts targeting - ISM at the workplace, challenges and best practices, collaboration moving forward
Brief Updates – Recent Activity/Status (10 minutes each)
LBNL – Andrew Peterson
ANL – Betsy Dunn
Ames – Sean Whalen
Discussion - Challenges and Best Practices and Path Forward (60 minutes)
Management of Change - How do you know all risks considered especially for research operations?
Qualification of workers, including students – Any novel or particularly effective approaches?
Risk-based application of controls – What are critical elements that support determination?
“Skill of the researcher” – How do we account for? Connection with OIC initiative?
Future Workshop in Summer – Is there a need? If so, what are the potential areas of focus?
Wilson Hall Cafeteria
Session Focus: ESH organization – pros and cons of the centralized model and what it takes to get there
Brief Updates – Status of our organization (20 minutes each)
FNAL – Martha Michels
BNL – Gail Mattson
ANL – Betsy Dunn
Discussion – No one model is perfect (45 minutes)
The pros and cons of a centralized model
How to move from one model type to another
Gaining the support of your site office – does it matter?
Direct and indirect costs – the model you use may make it harder (or easier) to understand who pay